Water Quality volunteer holding sample bottle


Collect water samples and help us monitor the health of Long Island Sound.

Citizen science is a powerful tool to drive awareness and change. In an age when people feel bombarded by messages about our environment, quality data on local conditions cut through the noise and focus decision-makers on the facts. Scientific data provides evidence to back up our advocacy and legal efforts and shows us where pollution-busting projects are most needed.

Our staff scientists train volunteers to participate in our water quality research programs. This approach lets residents get involved in measuring local environmental conditions, identifying pollution, and activating their own communities to address pollution sources.

Opportunities for individuals, Save the Sound’s fecal bacteria monitoring program involves volunteers in weekly collection of water samples from the Sound and its tributary rivers and streams during the summer months. This study relies on a consistent commitment from 12 – 20 volunteers from Westchester County, western Fairfield County, and Queens, NY.

Opportunities for Organizations, The Unified Water Study , which assesses the ecological health of our bays, harbors, and coves by measuring the impacts of nitrogen, trains and supports multiple monitoring groups working all around Long Island Sound. Most participating groups, including Save the Sound, work with volunteers in this study, which runs from May through October each year.

For more information, please contact us at info@savethesound.org.

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