Best Available Data on Long Island Sound

Save the Sound works hard to include the most reliable and comprehensive datasets available for this website. As SHE continues to expand, we will update the existing datasets and add new ones to more fully tell the story of the health of Long Island Sound.

Current Datasets

The historical data displayed on this website has been collected from the following sources:

Beach Sampling Data


The Water Quality Exchange (WQX) is the mechanism for data partners to submit water monitoring data to EPA.

EPA Beacon 2

Boat Launch Sites

Connecticut DEEP Boat Launches

New York State NYSDEC Boat Launches

Combined Sewer Overflow Outfalls

CTDEEP Office of Information Management CSO

NYSDEC Water Division

Embayments (Bays) Sampling Data

Unified Water Study (UWS)

Impervious Surfaces

Land Use & Land Cover

Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR)

Center for Land Use Education and Research; University of Connecticut, Middlesex County Extension Center

Open Water Sampling Data

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP)

Interstate Environmental Commission (IEC)

New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP)

Precipitation Data


Sea Level Rise

Climate Central

Wastewater Treatment Plants

CTDEEP Office of Information Management

NYSDEC Wastewater Division

Watershed and Subwatershed Boundaries

Watershed Boundary Dataset

The Watershed Boundary Dataset is being developed under the leadership of the Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data, which is part of the Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI) and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).